


Vojtěch Pokorný

Barokní kostel sv. Šebestiána v Třemešné na Osoblažsku

Baroque Church of St. Sebastian in Třemešná in the Osoblaha Region

Dalibor Prix

The article describes the construction of the baroque Church of St. Sebastian in Třemešná in the Osoblaha region in the so-called Moravian enclaves in Silesia in the period from 1730 to 1733. Franz Schwäbischer, a parish priest in Liptaň, who used the services of Felix Anton Hammerschmied, a court builder of the Elector, Archbishop of Mainz, Bishop of Wrocław and Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights, Franz Ludwig von Pfalz-Neuburg in Nisa, was the initiator of the construction. Based on the comparison of the church in Třemešná with the church of St. Tomas in Dolní Domášov in the Jeseníky region, which was also built by Hammerschmied, this paper attempts to examine the characteristics of the personal style of this well-known builder.

Franz Peschel, profesor gymnázia v Jeseníku, turista, muzejník a „Traditionsträger“

Franz Peschel, professor at the grammar school in Jeseník, tourist, museologist and „Traditionsträger”

Květoslav Growka

In the life story of a Silesian native, Franz Peschel (1889–1968), professor and director of the grammar school in Jeseník, a tourist and a museum worker, we look for the reasons why this educated man succumbed to the Nazi ideology during the Sudeten crisis of 1938 and voluntarily joined the army during World War II. After moving to Germany, he returned to cultivated work in education and the federal life of the Sudeten Germans, for which he was called a “tradition bearer” (“Traditionsträger”).

Karl Dohlenschall a Policejní výstava v Opavě 1913

Karl Dohlenschall and the Police Exhibition in Opava 1913

Ondřej Kolář

The study describes the situation related to staging the Opava Police Exhibition in 1913 in the context of the contemporary development of criminology and changes in the social perception of the police. The initiators of the exhibition and their motivation are the subject of interest. We look at the topic in the context of security and social conditions of the Moravian-Silesian border region.

Muzeum barevné fotografie

Museum of Colour Photography

Lukáš Bártl

The text deals with the unimplemented project of the Museum of Colour Photography, which was to be established in Opava, near the Silesian Museum. The present study seeks to map the process that led from the idea of commemorating Karel Schinzel, a chemist from Opava, who was one of the co-creators of the three-layer colour negative, to the unimplemented architectural studies of the museum from the 1970s. At the same time, it processes not only the press from that period, but also the archives of the Silesian Museum and other institutions involved, or personal correspondence between the main actors, namely Rudolf Skopec and Arnošt Pustka.

Česká stopa při založení a počátečním rozvoji Mezinárodní komise pro muzeologii ICOFOM

Czech Footprint in the Establishment and Initial Development of the International Committee for Museology ICOFOM

Otakar Kirsch – Lucie Jagošová

The study presented analyzes the share of representatives of the Czech, or Czechoslovak, museology on the activities of the International Committee for Museology operating within the International Council of Museums, which, for more than 40 years, has been a major influencer of the museological discourse. It focuses mainly on the first decade of its existence; in addition to the Czech influence, the subsequent participation in the individual activities, organization and thought formation of this association, where Jan Jelínek, Zbyněk Zbyslav Stránský and Vinoš Sofka played a significant role, became a subject of interest. The research used not only foreign publications devoted to the history of the committee, but also so far not much reflected period materials and information sources of an archival nature.


Nález bronzového meče na katastru Vítkova (okr. Opava) (Jiří Juchelka)


Varhany ze zaniklé obce Kerhartice (Jiří Krátký)


Rozhovor s Pavlem Šopákem (Ondřej Kolář, Vojtěch Pokorný)


Bibliografie Pavla Šopáka (Vojtěch Pokorný)


Igor HORNIŠER, Střelecké terče ve sbírce Muzea v Bruntále, Bruntál 2019, 79 s. (Petr Vojtal)