

Benátský „pohár“ a další skleněné nálezy z hradu Sovince

Venetian “Goblet” and Other Glass Finds from Sovinec Castle

Kateřina Vaďurová

The article aims to present glass finds from Sovinec Castle, which are now stored in the collections of the Silesian Museum in Opava. Although only fragments of four glass objects have been preserved, these finds still tell a lot about the social conditions of the castle owners in the late Middle Ages and early modern times. Among the finds, a Venetian Goblet, which has no analogy in Moravia or Silesia yet, stands out.

Kostel svatého Jana Křtitele ve Skřipově (okr. Opava) a sakrální architektura českého Slezska a Moravy v první polovině 19. století

Church of St. John the Baptist in Skřipov (the District of Opava) and Sacral Architecture of Czech Silesia and Moravia in the First Half of the 19th Century

Pavel Šopák

The text pays attention to the Church of St. John the Baptist in Skřipov (the District of Opava) from 1841 to 1844; its older predecessor, demolished in 1841, is mentioned; the author of the new building (Kajetán Habl) is considered; the presentation of the church provides an opportunity to look at the sacral architecture of Czech Silesia from 1800 to 1850.

Stavební rozvoj Karlovy Studánky ve druhé polovině 19. a na počátku 20. století Část I.

Housing Development of Karlova Studánka in the Second Half of the 19th and at the Beginning of the 20th Century. Part I.

Robert Šrek

The study deals with the architectural and urban development of the spa complex in Karlova Studánka in the second half of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century. Based on a detailed survey of archival sources stored in the Land Archive in Opava, it looks at the process of transformation of this spa in a broader scope; it does not only notice the architects themselves and the stylistic changes in the buildings, but it also examines the role of the individual components of the administrative apparatus of the Order of the Teutonic Knights. There are two basic periods in the development of Karlova Studánka: 1) from the 1850s to the 1880s; 2) from the 1890s until 1918. The study is published as a serial comprising three parts.

Československo-jihoslovanská liga v Moravské Ostravě

Czechoslovak-South Slavic League in Moravian Ostrava

Kateřina Kolářová

In the article, the author tries to outline the Czechoslovak-Yugoslav interwar relations in Moravian Ostrava maintained by the local department of the Czechoslovak-South Slavic League. It pays attention to federal life in Moravian Ostrava in general and describes the situation regarding the establishment, organization and operation of the local department, including all its activities, such as organizing language courses, lectures or cultural events intended for the general public. She tries (for example with regard to the cooperation with other associations that operated in Moravian Ostrava) to point out the scope of work, thanks to which a more lasting benefit for the Czechoslovak-South Slavic, or Yugoslav, reciprocity and she also indicates the limits of this activity.

Material Studies

Dokumentace demolované kabelové komory KK 4/OP/B v Opavě – Kateřinkách archeologickými metodami (Jiří Juchelka)

Material Studies

Nové nálezy součástí rytířského opasku v archeologické sbírce SZM(Soňa Králová)


Oltářní architektura Johanna Nitsche (Pavel Šopák)


Libor MARTINEK, Wilhelm Przeczek. Monografie, Wrocław 2018, 424 s. (Sylva Pracná)


Jubilejní XX. svatováclavské setkání v Jeseníku v roce 2020 (Pracovníci Vlastivědého muzea Jesenicka)

XV. konference policejních historiků v Praze (Ivana Kolářová)

Jitka Noušová (1932–2020) (Pavel Šopák)