Security Monitoring of Activities of Clergy in the Territory of Ostrava Branch of Provincial National Committee 1945–1948
Lubomír Hlavienka – Ondřej Kolář
The study deals with security monitoring of activities of clergy in the territory of Ostrava Branch of Provincial National Committee during the period of so-called Third Czechoslovak Republic in 1945–1948. The research focuses mainly on approach of state authorities towards clergymen of German and Polish origin in the context of inter-ethnic relations and post-war demographic and social changes in the region. The paper is based on preserved agenda of Czechoslovak administrative and security apparatus.
Managing Staff of the Vítkovice Ironworks Archive in the Period of 1954–2010
Lukáš Lisník
The article describes, analyses and compares careers of dorectors of archive of Vítkovice Ironvorks archive during the communist and post-communist era in the contextof development of company archives in Czechoslovakia. Research is based on preserved personal agenda.
Vyhodnocení archeologického výzkumu dominikánského kláštera v Opavě z roku 1969. Sondy S1 a S2 v prostoru pod refektářem (Jiří Juchelka – Miriam Nývltová Fišáková – Hana Lafková – Petr Kočár)