

Příspěvek k historii farnosti Šilheřovice na Opavsku do počátku 18. století

A paper on the history of the parish of Šilheřovice in the Opava region until the beginning of the 18th century

Marek Skupien

The study tries to briefly present the history of the Catholic parish at the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Hať in the Opava region, roughly until the beginning of the 18th century. At that time, thanks to the patron, i.e. the Jesuit College in Opava, a new brick Baroque church was built in Šilheřovice, which has survived to this day after numerous repairs and conversions. The paper is based primarily on the study of sources. The author focused mainly on capturing the earliest mentions of the parish, the reconstruction of the history of the parish during and after the Thirty Years’ War, the Šilheřovice churches and their contents, the extent of the parish district and the position of the parish in the context of church administration development.

Proskovská kamenina ve sbírce výtvarného umění Slezského zemského muzea

Proskau Pottery as part of the Silesian Museum visual arts collection

Denisa Hradilová

The study deals with a small group of earthenware items coming from the faience and earthenware manufacture in Proskau (1764‒1853) in Upper Silesia, found in the collection of Fine Arts of the Silesian Museum in Opava. The article presents the main facts about earthenware and, then, it focuses on each earthenware object from Proskau in the Silesian Museum.

Sňatečnost obyvatelstva Jablunkovska v „dlouhém“ 19. století II.

Nuptiality of the population of the region of Jablunkov in the “long” 19th century

Lukáš Turoň

The main objective of this study is a description of nuptiality of the population of the region of Jablunkov during the Industrial Revolution. The work presents the development of nuptiality between 1791 and 1910. This study is based on historical demographic research on nuptiality grounded on statistical processing of church marriage registers. When working with the registers, excerption method was used, which consists of rewriting the individual entries into the pre-printed sheets as they follow in the register, wherein a new sheet is created for each year. By using the agreed signs and abbreviations, a duplicate of the register is then created, which is, however, clear and free of all redundancies. An aggregate method was also used to collect monthly or annual totals of marriages, births and deaths, and these data are monitored in long time series. This allows large population groups to be processed for very long periods of time. It is possible to detect deviations in the number of phenomena observed, to classify the totals by age or, in case of knowledge of the population of the area surveyed, also to evaluate gross rates of marriages, births and mortality. Using this method, we can get a basic idea of population development of a particular area. The region of Jablunkov was located in a region where agriculture played a substantial economic role throughout the 19th century, and, from the second half of the 19th century, heavy industry began to gradually develop, led by Třinecké Železárny (ironworks), the Košice-Bohumín Railway and the more distant Ostrava-Karviná Coal Mining District and the Vítkovice Ironworks. This economic situation also affected the livelihood and living standard of the region of Jablunkov population especially from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries; they were just the effects of economic booms or crises, along with war conflicts or epidemics, that had a major impact on the development of nuptiality.

Lidé a politika: Srpen 1968 a následky posrpnového vývoje v podniku Státní lesy (severomoravské státní lesy) v Krnově II.

People and Politics: August 1968 and the consequences of the post-August development in the company Státní lesy (state forests) in Krnov (North-Moravian state forests)

Marta Šopáková

The second part of the study, which describes the situation in the company Státní lesy (state forests) in Krnov (North-Moravian state forests) in the period from 1968 to 1970, deals with the consequences of the political events of August 1968 on the operation of the company and the fate of its employees. It is a follow-up of the first part of the text, which was dedicated to the situation in the company in the period from 1967 to 1968 and the beginnings of the normalization process at the turn of the years of 1968 and 1969.


Memoáry Jana Rohla jako pramen ke každodennosti moravsko-slezského pomezí desátých a dvacátých let 20. století (Ondřej Kolář)


Neslavná bilance neoslaveného výročí: 75 let od konce druhé světové války v Evropě a „repolitizace“ kolektivní paměti (Ondřej Kolář)


Igor HORNIŠER, Mezi orlem a orlicí. Bruntálsko 1914–1938, Bruntál 2018, 126 s. (Vojtěch Kessler)

Robert BORSKI – Stanislav KUPIEC, Hrádek – Gródek, Vendryně 2018, 259 s. (Lukáš Turoň)

Zuzana MIKULOVÁ, Návsí, Český Těšín 2018, 219 s. (Lukáš Turoň)


Konference Textil v muzeu (Martina Polomíková)

Konference konzervátorů-restaurátorů (Zuzana Plachká)

Záludnosti konzervování-restaurování historických zbraní a zbroje (kovy, dřevo, kůže, kost, rohovina, perleť, textil) (Zuzana Plachká)